Transcript for HoS 57

    Last time I left you with the news that Charles I, in the spirit of flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of his Scottish subjects, had decided to charge aheadRead More

    Transcript for HoS 56

    I thought this week we would have a bit of a wander around early 17th century Scotland, and introduce you to some characters and what they were doing before everythingRead More

    Transcript for HoS 55

      We left the land of the mountains, lochs, islands and midges on the death of one of her more successful kings, James VI, also James I of England. Now,Read More

    Transcript for HOS 50

    Right everyone, now that Mary is gone, we can move on emotionally and chronologically. Although I feel the need to take a step back to help us move forward, toRead More

    Transcript for HoS54

    In April 1603, a grand funeral cortege translated a coffin to Westminster Abbey in England. As it passed, the antiquarian John Stow recorded the scene “Westminster was surcharged with multitudesRead More

    Transcript for HoS 53

    Last time we took the story of Jimmy VI and his government all the way up to the eve of his accession to the throne of England. But now, inRead More

    Transcript for HoS 51

    So we ended just last week with the increasingly involvement of James in his government, and the first flowering of his policy to re-establish royal authority, and bring the kirkRead More

    Transcript for HoS 16

      The death of Malcolm III, Margaret and their designated heir Prince Edward threw political Scotland into a chaos of competing claims. There were multiple candidates, that being the wayRead More

    Transcript for HoS 8

      Our objective today is to get to the eve of the Viking invasions, through the lives of Bridei, Adomnan and Onuist. We left the world of Northern Britain andRead More